What is actually manifesting is a paradigm of left hand path occultism/witchcraft/ luciferianism (all satanism) vs. The Righteousness of Christ (The Just who live by faith in Christ). 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV

Celestea Deanes
 @Life & Life more Abundantly  the foundation of this occured in the secret cabal headed by Ben Franklin Lucerfarian ,astrologically tied to the "Gates of Hell" cosmic placement whose Plutoian and Saturnian(both refererences to Satan ) return came last year. The contract was signed off largely by slavers of the people cast out of Spain and Portugal under the Reigns of 3 kings called or sired by Portugals Phillip Under the Iniqusition. Driven into West Africa or sold outright into the worst Disaster the World ever known. AKA Transatlantiic Slave Trade. The Hebrews you call Blacks. This outrage the true Most High has allowed has technically ended 2019. And your BEAST country which you idolize is in its rightly earned death throes. Babalyon the Great is FALLING. Whose Image is that of a GREAT ( cross dressed) WHORE (STATUE OF LIBERTAS) Your God whose image is that of Cesar Borgia will be cast into outer Darkness. And Smoke from her Burning will go up Forever. And you and yours will go into a well earned CAPTIVITY.
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