copied this below from a now closed personals thread . Some of it I may agree w/ some of it I don't , that portion I patently reject I percieve logically proves the power of properganda in our tim. . Its APPALLING to me the rcent repetition of lies and labels. Its focused on the young and in my opinion its deep state based. MGTOW SYBM etc IS A CALL TO a standard OUTSIDE AND BENEATH the traditions and lessons learned of the recent past.
Men seeking mates are often looking for some one to HELP them. Thats what dowery was about. Womens work was a matter of survival and profit.. . Children , were the ORIGINAL social security program of the human race . Women invented trade agriculture and urban living. The sake of raising their children in common was the point!! The offhanded MENTION OF relative 'worthlessness' being applied to a human because she is female and has proven it in childbirth is ridiculous and vile.
It is appaling to me that men with grandmoms and great grams that supported housholds on nursing, hospitality , farm labor and domestic employment suddenly embrace a lie , and partner up with neanderthalial femacidal notions , objectification and ego support at the expense of half of humanity.Our modern families were often founded on a simply yoked couple maybe fresh out of high school ,or military service, renting a room and taking factory employment. Operating from ground zero economically. ..but w a plan . And human regard for each other! We are desended from the freest, most empowered females on earth historically speaking ,queens generals, wealthy merchants ,scholars etc. Denial and control of history of history walks hand in hand w/ mysogny and racism. It also has a link to latent homosexuality. Historically speaking ths nations that supported that practice devalued its women politically and socially. It has been noted in public modren commnet that this is a dynamic roiling in our community as well. Presently.
It is apppalling also to me that SOME black men find a home emotionally in ridiculing a woman for getting education and employment and ridicule a woman that does not have these things, pit both imaginary types against the other , fairly disqualifing either from deserving happiness in life. Its important to understand , we are assigned supposedly freedom of speech in this country , but as civilized folk and religion guides too to respeect what w communicated to others as humans.
BTW Some of these same types of women ,are at last , finding satifaction else where and they are considered by a growing number of thes same typs males an enemy to be disabled by any means. An object of vilification. Another object of disgust are the ones who were of a mind to be loyal to community . And comptatively assigned to a state of "less desiriability" than these males themselves. Which could very well be considered disquitely effeminate in stance. Appalling.
This is especially distressing in the face of worsening economic and political manipulations outside our community.Thse are clearly geopolitical assaults on the nation and world as a whole. The spirtual decline of this society is obvious. And effectively miserable acrosss the board of all this nations people. . Its corrupt to turn on on another especially vunerable ones instead of working together. It is cowardly . This does not require a slavery of one or the other , yet our men are embracing that racist's model trope as an "solution". It is not FROM our culture but an assignment and adoption .
Those who do acheive a state of rulership at the expense of dis empowering women ...they are often more resentful more dissatisfied and inclined to reject their vicitims as well. One example is the apppalling rate of white women exploited and abandoned w/ children via black men . Another is the rise of DV murders by our men over things like demanding breakfast from an ill mother (This man in question in Chicago would not marry her yet demands...servitude from etc, and shoots her , her mother , her sister ? In THEIR home not his ... wow ) on a Sunday morning. Or the murder of a doctor , (Detroit) of whose crime I suppose is displaying her culinary prowess on social media and driving a late model luxury car ...? That was triggering to some male of her association...? Or even the fact of poor Mr . Floyd's unfortunate investment in a clearly disintrested woman from outside the community as per marital intent and distain for the very capable mother of his own child... it is quite damning to realize that is abjct mental poverty . And know that it is repersentative of a demographic. I have known participants in modern polygymy expriements over decades . I have NEVER seen these resultant in happy long term home life situations. If some one knows of some let me know. All I have personally seen was ...disfunction resultant. No satisfaction vn in domination, and srvitude. Again appalling.

Well in any case , below is the basis for my above opinion. The rather dehumanizing opinion of a young indoctrinated male . Who even fels empowered enough to casually contradict himself at a couple of points. And refers to potential consorts in terms that were in use during the trans Alantic "slave trade". Discussion welcome.

Alexander Busby
Dont have kids with men that dont REALLY want you, and men that are crazy.. Being permanently attached to other men (through their kids) lowers your market value A LOT in our eyes (especially to those of us that dont have any kids) no matter how good you look.🤯
If you dont have kids only date men that dont have kids. 🤯
70% of women are good looking enough for us. Pretty is common and temporary. Get over your mirror reflection, be interesting, and get a personality 🤯
Smile! Dont be a clinched fist with hair. It's ugly. 🤯
Make eye contact and Say Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening when you cross our paths in public. Stop treating us like we're all serial killers, and stop thinking all men want to F you. We dont, for one, because we dont know if you're clean.. 🤯
Men dont care about your degrees, material possessions, your job, or how much money you earn. That stuff doesn't make you more attractive. It's almost pointless to even put it on your dating profile. Stop thinking we're attracted to the same stuff you women are. 🤯
Get over the height thing. There is nothing special about a man having an abnormally long body.. Nature made 60% of men about the same size. 20% abnormally small. And 20% abnormally overgrown.. Only 20% of the entire male population on Eath is taller than 6'1. Nature trys to make us ALL average because its the best size for survival and longevity. 🤯
You choose us and then we choose if we want a relationship with you. Thats how this works. Choose a men based on how much they like you, not based on how much money and material shit we have. Do we get real excited to be around you? Do you make us nervous? Do we give you the dreamy eyed stare😳, or just look at you like a piece of meat. Learn to spot, and appreciate, signs of REAL attraction to you.


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