It is the last of 2019.
I live in a splendid home. Tasteful upscale and higher in the mountains than before. I am a lucky woman.
After a trial  by fire ,I can say I have been introduced to Organic Chemistry. Via a special program at the local college. I am a bit of a celebrity  there, cutting new ground as an audit student in STEM coursework. This matters much  in contrast because the aervage Durangoian will tell you they do NOT LIKE  working that hard,(shocked a couple of them  mentioning this) many of them are feeling a pinch economically and are thinking about persuing a GED . equvalency program (!). Im a little short in Caluclus classes and am obliged to repeat a semester or two ----but --- I perserve, and in the science program encouraged. People who are focused here are easier to deal with generally.
I was unpleasantly unwelcome in the music program however...loaded with scholarships and empty chairs. hmm. My audition was massively turned down and in writing...heh heh.I do not qualify for entrance into their music program...if you can walk and talk  and graduated high school a person just may be overqualified the average music program  I am presently engaged with the black student union  (as far as redress) and stillwater private music program (training). And sing at church a LOT. Am a celebrity because of all that there. People I speak to about this sort of thing are shocked to relise the racism rearing up at this NATIVE AMERICAN dedicated and donated school. Im not. I suspect G-d will deal with this interestingly. A bit of a chess game. Saying this I also think on the visit this fall of a fundemedalist church's foray to campus . Their chief announcement : the re-establishment of chattel slavery. As an ecomnomic advancement program.

Its the day after Christmas and a ecilpse has occurred. I say that in context because...I'm a bit disoriented. I am adept at side stepping  the distraction and false hood of these heathen rituals and foolish consumption .
It seems wrong so much more now --- this is the most sucesssful I have been excluding it. My strapping associate Richard Dilworth risks suicide approaching these days. Regularly, I am not exaggerating ---he is such a irrational individual.Emotional .... But...he means well...?In an awkward wrongheaded way....he is so northside Chicagoan ..totally secure in being ... ummm...white.  Poor fellow...if I accused him of racism hed be appalled but he is just that. Actually embraces his heritage as a ...Neaderthal decesndant. Oh , the ridiculousness of that .....causacusity  , yes thats the term that comes to mind. I suspect it is a curse actually. And recognize the fall of all like him , in him, and reconts of his confederates.
Thinks white is the center of the universe and has a Theosophic background...written re hash of ancient black folks work accreditted to ... well you know. . . but he is dedicated to community organization, with a inspiring zeal. Looks good in photos. Does ingratiate himself network quite a poltical animal. Really, he's quite a beast. Literally. But in his element he shines, in a lopsided way. And he is devoted . Even to me. Esau. Or perhaps Eyore.

Sadly, hes often described as just plainly  screwed up. He asked me to tell him why is it he turns folk off. He does have a extreme personality...and little cultvation. An achillles heel.  I have fairly concluded that is his problem not mine...He is in the paper often , because he has been quite an organizer for ...his fellow temporarily finacially enbarrasssed millionaires. There is a camp of them, Americans , behind the walmart . they garner a lot of material help.They need much more!  Im impresssed that they are allowed access to that land rocky hilly waste as it is, next to the shallows of the Animas. Behind the most beautiful Walmart in the worldwide history of walmarts! .
 This region is named  named "Purple Cliffs". Denziens include Drifters, pregnant girls, elders , neo nazis , yes all kinds. A rare young black woman I have tried to trace . Richard says she doesnt look homeless, but the  paintfully grown out weeve and  just short of hygiene issues  tell me different. She tries. And is so EMBARRASSSED. She evaporates into the public library , and shrinks into her seat far in the rear of the bus. I cannot be oblivious, that would be absolutely crass of me! I must do something, I tell myself. Wearily I have realized I'm just barely here myself. The newly formed black student union and I well as my Catholic Daughters of America membership seem likely avenues of assistance. Iam politically assembling myself too.
Speaking of the Grace of G-d this camp issue and homeless ness has consumed Los Angeles  for example. Its been by design, garbage not disposed , flesh eating and leprous conditions galloping....thats harder to maintain than eradicate.Normalized , nearly at the time of this commmunication.  And elder I know died in a tent with her embraced and preferred black headed family. She could not bear here to there . Her relatives dont understand that , But I do. Wealthy folk  burned out of sububan life took over their formerly affordable rents.These relatives here assign the state of this family to drug abuse. I'm no better off.  . . on the ragged edge of disaster. Thats why im hurrying my old bones thru college. That MAY help. G-d help me .


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