A letter to " Dynah Deborah D"  in explanation of my evoling life ,  frankly among the heathen.  A portion of on going conversation  about my purpose there.

  • Celestea Deanes Dynah Deborah D It seems important to have time for this spirtual energy to settle . Living in the wilderness and being fairly home bound, I've noticed the seasons sunsets and sunrises the moon phases after a good while speak to a person internally. They are to be OBSERVED. There is an element of anticipation. And then reception , adjustment then an explanation. And then , alteration you become what ever arrives ...? Then a conclusion and level of release. That then in total is a CELEBRATION. There is a rthym to it . And less risk of being caught off balance when suddenly faced with something new, after the way is adopted . You can give yourself over to your rountine without it becoming dull. White folk call it a state of Zen. I have known some of them take up eastern ways , but truthfully, none who where truly mature in it. At least not yet. Most are very unbalanced folk , theres always a portion missing in the personality. ( The best on a human level that I know are the developmently disabled.I'm not kidding, they are often loving ,loyal ,humble, discerning. No agenda hidden. etc. )But they knew about this. Its the way to age gracefully I suspect. The cathoilics are sometimes aware this way, they are I think the most HUMILIATED Edomites.(They were the 'help' or peasant earthy types , and do have a trace of Israel among them according to history. And on the ground level I mean...I have no intrest in the bureauocrat level, whew NO !) They are more given to things other that the merely intellectual, some sense of the mystical. I am learning.Thats where I am. Surrounded by them . I suspect coming here , is a necessary thng for me to periodically do.


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