An example of the Ruin of Edom: in the person of a Great but corrupt? Soul

The Decline of Esau
Spiritual interpretation via a soul's  near ruin "Mr. D"
i have seen a general unraveling of the dominant culture. Rom eis falling im shocked to relise how fast. As my fortunes rise, and ease is offerred increasingly.
I have never met so many drug addicts and slovenly sous. General rebellious folk, who are just now as adults meeting restrictions I  have had to respect since childhood.
Welcome to  "the anti -jet Set" ala stronng  delusion. One very attractive in a certtain way. Actually chemistry.A big presense and admittedly a natural leader! Horrified to step back and see---
1) a racist
2) an unevolved morality
3) a person i n a personal hell, with no idea why
4) a chastened barbarian...?
handsome vital and conflicted. And offends.  Often. He has a flattering opinion of me as a feminine 
person---the most hes ever known. How could this be? Then I look about--- artless, plodding females abound. Some neat, some offensive.
I can hear him think. In his desperation, loniliness and fears. A straightford person. Owned by his passions. And former partners. And great errors. Enslaved. Karmatically utterly bound.
Years before this was enough reason for me, to write him completely off. I am not to do that, meditation time says this is a different day. He is generous with work, he moved me in to this lovely place , under a bluff, high over the city. A man like that is a practial freind to have.I am to attend, he is here for preatical reasons. And is very sad.
I am not.
We exist on different mental  planes. he believes me to be very physcic and told me as much;he is gifted simliarly, dismissses it in me immediately, ofensiviely. A typical highaned boorish ness typical of his beginnings---20th centrury White Chicago.Egoish, worships it in the context of his own culture, which is attached to Madame Blatosvky. i have been hearing more about het in terms of the satanic. Bears study, he says his father is a reki master. Dioesnt realise i come from a company of those---dismissses that entirely. Blithely. Ofenses carelessly. That fact repeats it self.

 I generally keep my eyes away. Averted moving in public music and language studies engaged when travelling.  .I have a routine. Which is welcome for my souls sake. I must adapt, this is a different day.


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