
 Conolezza Rice response to her need to suppress history: TRUTH is not dependent on "feelings". Corrections come when there is clear understanding based on FACTS and LOGIC. there's no logic in supporting LIES , suppression of truth is a playing field for lies. ets suppress knowledge lets not mention HISTORY and tiptoe around and REPEAT THIS EVIL embrace IGNORANCE and make that some sort of virtue.
  Celestea Deanes 0 seconds ago submission is a Christian concept in MARRIAGE .in THE bible it says submit ye to one another. These men cater to outside women FIRST. they submit to these strange women, immediately. And not you. Many black men set their sights on fully breaking or even murking a kind generous bw ---the femicide stats show it. You are not responsible to jump thru hoops like that. a giving mature man is what you deserve. our men do not require a laundry list of requirements to please other women!. those ball players put Becky in a palace and do not consider u in that sense at all. think of those black women who are married to billionaires. how are they being triaged? They aint. They are prized and LOVED. I'm not trying totell you what to do i just want you to consider that these men are not picking you because of you they are picking strangers because of them.
  An Edomite acquaintance of mine a neighbor brought up in privilege very irresponsible and somewhat damaged struck up a relationship w me and my family. Really, she was seeking help. She was a California girl and frequently drank in public too much. And enjoyed employments in film crews loved to cater for them. In any case the wrap parties would cumulate in exotic ports of call. The habits of the men producers was to fly out and s@xulize natives. Children included. These folk were usually pimped out and on drugs. And the children of these prostitutes were of various genetic backgrounds and a novel group of utter underclasses. Despiciable --actually the term is "Despicadad". Tourist children. Some places have their own variety of AIDS too because of this. Her employers invited her to partake. So she did. And came back sick and pregnant. A beautiful baby was born, and she lost custody. MS consumed her and her lover a drug addict was no help. Her parents thought little of thi
 @Jlove  I have been on Facebook quasi nationalist/"hotep" discussions where the young men basically mock questions about femicide and dismiss the grisly deaths of women and girls. I explain to them that the basis of a nation is family they mock that too. Some of those young women don't blink an eye and pontificate about being submissive. I tell them that is a Christian marital issue and applies to men too. They disparage that AND Christianity also. And shout down any notion that this is a hypocritical posture. They do not identify with the dead m-worded whatsoever. And suggest that something wrong with me for being outraged. And the males prosecute ridicule ad homiem any an all minor detail really lean in. I surmise that this behavior is a mental illness. And the purpose is domination and extermination.
Delusional habits are a comfort to the intellectually inactive. Think of giant sloths , tortoises, dung Beatles .... they keep their options open but exist on a set level imagination has little to do with the lifestyle. They pretty much know how to feed themselves and curl up to escape harm. That's it. And mate. Maybe. He thinks he ASSUMES that you and anybody like you is worthless . Cut him OFF. I have seen well off nonblack men out with ghettoistas. No polish whatsoever, but he thinks she's something his friends would trip out over, first dude in his social set to have Bonquisha. There's one actually selling tickets here on yt. I'll call her "whole- istic therapies". She give u the 411. I happen to be dating a billionaire trust funder it is not hard just change locale and standards. I don't mean to be snarky, but your standards are too Low ALREADY tolerating that disrespect from a privileged fool. get going Sis. See a LOT of hi performance people. Find a
 on wyt entilement and sacred practices Although I have participated in mystical communities long years , but as far as formalized practice hoodoo per se I am a neophyte. But as soon as I came here, the entities and energies came to check me out. It was an amazing experience to  be so loved. I am barely grasping the concepts, barely even realizing what's going on, lol. These spirit folk RECOGNIZE me. Like a light bulb taken from a box then screwed into a socket. That I figure is the cultural/ bloodline connection people talk about on here? On the other hand, I have encountered those of the dominant population, that have made demands, insist on controlling me, insist on defining what is going on and recognize something in me too--- the are in a big rush, and want something from me that I don't even know what it is myself.  I think they make money but do they actually practice it or are effective? I have seen frauds put down, that likely is very false . A perponderance of riches
 Sam Brinson that lifestyle USED to be assigned to mental illness and criminality. Thats until a criminal break in and fed mass mail fraud converted it into ...something else I was going to say it was normality, but actually the medical authorities still call the condition a DEVIANCE. Oh my. t When I used to live in Mpls.I would observe MALES like HIM enjoyed mocking women (and dominating female spaces, flaunting their trappings) especially pretty females, and competing compulsively with them via affectations and mischiefs to the point of harm even. It gave them titillating energy and a theft at an airport? No arrest? A federal crime.