
Showing posts from April, 2022
 Lizzo. She is in place, groomed by her handlers to set a standard for bw. To imitate and be judged by. That conformity reflects humiliating stereotypes (again reenforced via a century or so of wyt sumpremist ideology) .Girls are media programmed already, This is a campaign stunt , promotes her as a butt of humor and pandering as a public image , girls will conflate this as adoration imagined or a route to quick money.  Girls and young women will seek to emulate it. And perhaps be destroyed. Similar to Cardi B 's less than organic reassignment as a "BW" .( She is not.) Lizzo was selected to break her psyhique (others of her type in hollywood broke their health conforming to a wyt gaze assignment like this.its on record).  A masterwork of racist sexist minstrel subjegation.
  Satan is spiritual. There are spiritual criminals ("Thuggee"--who pray and spellcast for ill gotten gain in India )Spiritualism was used to infect and divert Black folks music via Kabbala since the sixties. There are spiritual sex magikians who underwrote Lil Nas X to impress us last year, likely recruited children (impressionable folk are suceptable to pyschic assault) spiritually, harvesting orgone..  Speaking of that child sacrifice is a tenet of magik. So is seducing children. Slander is a metaphysical thing if it is intensely promoted . Properganda is a form of that. Back in the 70's for example, after a criminal break in and mass mail fraud was committed , a major spell was cast that transformed homosexuality from a crime and mental disease to legal status . And socially tolerable.All it took was to shout down people who disagreed with say , That Manifesto announced in Congress that targeted seducing children and dismissed women as humans etc . How interesting is
  nes 1 second ago Hi. altho she has not been very well respected on this channel the "Radical Home Sister" has long annouced to our community the threat of nuclear posioning. Early symptoms are irratability, delusion, violent behavior (think about airline altercations radiation gathers in the troposhere) fainting, heart failureand sudden death. Couple that to the uptick in birth defects and cancer (think about califorinia even newborn cancers and deaths road rage etc. Fukishima daici been burning TEN YEARSand tons of particulate belched daily. Its time to mature and recognize what threat this is. She has done a good job explaining this bringing awareness forward written 2 books already. It is time to put pettiness aside and access info. there are activists one Dr. Dana Durmford slandered and jailed now for his courageous work defending the planet. Yet more focus is placed on squabbling actors in pantomime at the Oscars than basic self preservation. That to my mind is o
 WICCANS/NEW AGE/RACISM/BLACK VUNERABLITY Ashley MG 1 0 1 h 6 t i p 4 o 0 9 1 7 t d 0 c h    ·  I was invited to a Womens circle by a close friend. She’s a witch and into spiritual practice (Wiccan). I’m also 4 months pregnant and concerned about what type of practices or prove should I stay away from??? 6 6 31 Comments Like Comment 31 Comments View 8 previous answers All comments  Clarence Jackson Yknow... for years I kinda thought Wicca was pleasant, but not really something that made sense for Black folks. Then I joined this online group of Black Wiccans. Inside of their group they held space for Black folks to talk about all kinds of other…  See more 4 Like Reply 14h Active Celestea Deanes I do not trust wyt circles by and large. I have associates. Very few friends. Saying that I must navigate where I am . I do it prayerfully and at arm's distance. Please , u dealing w numbers of them (not all are the same not at all,they may be harmless , they may be unnatural they are a vary